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Calcium Magnesium Plus – calcium plus magnesium with vitamin D3 and K₂ (MK-7)

For even more healthy bones

Calivita® constantly follows the development of science. In parallel with research on vitamin D, new facts about vitamin K are becoming increasingly important, therefore Calcium Magnesium Plus enriched with vitamin K to provide you with the most modern and effective support for bone protection.

Vitamin K

In the light of the new results, the role of vitamin K in health may be comparable to the importance of vitamin D. It plays a role in the construction of joints and blood vessel walls, determines cell growth and bone health. However, until now it has been associated primarily with the role it plays in blood clotting.

Vitamin K protects against osteoporosis

Bone density reaches its maximum at the age of 20-25, when bone growth ends, so it is worth paying attention to proper nutrition and proper supplementation, which will protect the health of our bones from a young age.

According to research, an insufficient supply of vitamin K can increase bone loss, the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, and vitamin K intake helps with bone formation and ensures that calcium is incorporated into the bone structure and not into the walls of blood vessels.

Comprehensive protection for the health of our bones

A recently published study showed that the intake of calcium and vitamin D, along with vitamin K, increased bone mass better than without vitamin K supplementation. Other studies revealed that in the study group of people receiving vitamin K₂ showed less age-related bone loss, and at the same time it was shown beneficial effect of vitamin K on bone strength. This is particularly important in postmenopausal women, where the priority is to maintain as much bone mass as possible.

Together with calcium, vitamin D and magnesium in the product Calcium Magnesium Plus Vitamin K has been introduced to further improve bone density, an important goal in the treatment of osteoporosis, the product may provide additional protection against age-related bone loss.

Diabetes, metabolic disorders, inflammation

The full picture of the metabolic effects exerted by vitamin K has not yet been completely uncovered, but several independent studies have shown that vitamin K supplementation increases insulin sensitivity and provides better glycemic control. However, inflammation levels were also lowest among people taking the highest amounts of vitamin K, so it may also play a role in reducing inflammation.

The revamped Calcium Magnesium Plus formula provides even more comprehensive protection, so it's perfect for any age to build and maintain Strong Bones.

Fun fact

In some European populations, the percentage of people with vitamin K deficiency may be as high as 30%, a statistic that can be further exacerbated by the use of certain medications such as anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, very low levels of vitamin K have been measured in the blood of children who frequently eat at fast food restaurants.


If you consume large amounts of calcium for a long time, consult your doctor. If you are taking anticoagulants, consult your doctor about the use of Calcium Magnesium Plus with vitamin K₂!


Vitamin K: the effect on health beyond coagulation – an overview – Vermeer, Food Nutr Res. 2012; 56: 10. •Bone as a regulator of glucose metabolism – Veldhuis-Vlug et al., Neth J Med. 2013 Oct;71(8):396-400. • Dietary phylloquinone intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in elderly subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease – Ibarrola-Jurado et al., Am J Clin Nutr 2012;96:1113–8 • Dietary phylloquinone intakes and metabolic syndrome in US young adults – Pan et al., J Am Coll Nutr. 2009 Aug;28(4):369-79. • Association between dietary phylloquinone intake and peripheral metabolic risk markers related to insulin resistance and diabetes in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk – Juanola-Falgarona et al., Cardiovascular Diabetology 2013, 12:7 • Vitamin K2 Supplementation Improves Insulin Sensitivity via Osteocalcin Metabolism: A Placebo-Controlled Trial – Hyung Jin Choi et al., Diabetes Care. Sep 2011; 34(9): e147. • Bone Health Nutrition Issues in Aging – Plawecki et al., Nutrients 2010, 2, 1086-1105 • Three-year low-dose menaquinone-7 supplementation helps decrease bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women – Knapen et al., Osteoporos Int. 2013 Sep;24(9):2499-507

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