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How to improve digestion with Papaya Plus Calivita

Did you know that long-term inadequate digestion and absorption can lead to a weakened immune system, fatigue and weakness, among other things? Fortunately, we know the solution!

Start your day with a healthy, light breakfast! Fruit, oatmeal, yogurt or a glass of Shake One Pure can be a great choice!

Avoid fast food and highly processed foods because they contain a lot of additives that may cause problems for your body!

Aim for a relaxing meal: eat slowly and chew thoroughly! Your body needs time to process food, so if you eat in a hurry, you may end up eating more than you need.

Once you find your favorite foods that are both tasty and healthy, some may be more difficult for your digestive system to digest than others. These may be various symptoms: bloating, cramps, intestinal gas. In such cases, try a papaya extract supplement Papaya Plus Calivita!

Why is it worth choosing the Papaya PLUS CaliVita product for digestion?

Papaya PLUS CaliVita supplies the body with a combination of highly efficient Digestive Enzymes, thus supporting digestion.

It doesn’t just focus on breaking down one nutrient, but also contains all the most important digestive enzymes to help break down carbohydrates, fats, proteins and lactose.

Papaya PLUS CaliVita contains enzymes in the form of a chewable tablet. Therefore, it is also a convenient solution for people struggling with swallowing problems.

How does papaya fruit support digestion?

There was a time when papaya was considered an exotic fruit because it was only found in Mexico and Central America. However, thanks to its popularity and health benefits, it is now considered one of the most sought-after fruits in the world.

Bowel dysfunction sooner or later affects all people in one form or another, regardless of age or gender. The main causes of various digestive problems are an unhealthy diet, stress and lack of exercise. In addition, long-term problems can be the basis for many other diseases.

The first step is to recognize the symptoms of indigestion

Symptoms of indigestion include:

  • Bloating, fullness
  • Burping, gas
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Sour taste
  • Stomach growling
  • Heartburn in the upper abdomen
  • Stomachache

Once you know something is wrong, it’s time to call on the power of nature.

Did you know that papaya contains all the enzymes that facilitate the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids? Papaya fruit has many health benefits, but the most famous is its ability to improve digestion. The most important protein-degrading enzyme in papaya is papain, one of whose most outstanding properties is that it helps remove harmful bacteria in the intestine. Papaya not only speeds up bowel movements, but can also prevent dysentery and reduce chronic intestinal inflammation and pancreatitis. Papaya fruit may also be useful for people on a diet as it can shorten digestion time, thereby reducing the possibility of fat accumulating in the body and absorbing toxins.

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