Dosage: Neem 2×1 capsules per dag met water in na de maaltijd.
Lutein PlusZeaxanthinbevatbosbessenextract1envitamine A*diehelpen
de gezondheid van het oog1en een normaal gezichtsvermogen te behouden*.
Bevatvitamine Awat bijdraagttothetinstandhoudenvan eennormaal
gezichtsvermogenenbosbessenextractwathelpt de gezondheid van het oog te
behouden door middel van antioxiderendeinvloed1. Bevat antioxidant vitamine
C watbijdraagtaan de bescherming van cellen tegen oxidatieve schade.
Bosbessenbevattenflavonoïden anthocyanosiden.Lutein PlusZeaxanthinbevat
1 Gezondheidsclaim voor bosbessenextract in afwachting van Europese toelating
KAG-nr: 4340-0822-3347
Who we recommend:
Bevat vitamine Awatbijdraagttotdeinstandhouding van een normaal
Samenstelling in 2capsules (=portie): %DRI*
VitamineC 100 mg 125
Bosbessenextract(Vaccinium myrtillus std.25%anthocyanosides) 50 mg**
Luteïne 12 mg**
Zeaxanthine 1 mg**
VitamineA120 μg RE 15
*DRI= dagelijksereferentie inname**DRI = Percentage van de dagelijkse referentie inname niet vastgeste
Vitamin C 50 mg
Bilberry Fruit extract (std. 25% anthocyanosides) 25 mg
Lutein 6 mg
Zeaxanthin 0.5 mg
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 0.2 mg
Why choose:
- With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 30 years.
- We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
- During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
- We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
- Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
- The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
- The products are manufactured according to the principles of cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
Keep out of reach of young children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.