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Healthy intestines with ParaProteX – say no to bacteria, viruses and fungi

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The approaching winter not only worsens your mood, but also makes your body increasingly demanding of its proper functioning. Why are you more likely to catch bacteria and viruses on cold days? It’s not because the sweater you’re wearing is too thin or you forgot to bring a scarf, although that may have something to do with it.

It is true that the lower the outside temperature, the lower your immunity. And pathogens reproduce more easily and quickly in humid weather and can spread faster also because we spend more time in closed spaces, where the air is exchanged less often.

How to take care of your health and immunity?

What can you do? Wash your hands frequently and ventilate the room. If this is not possible for some reason, use hand sanitizer when traveling and try to keep the necessary distance from sick people. Also, make sure you have a humidifier at home, because heating dries the air and dry mucous membranes promote infections!

Even if you can’t change the weather, you can boost your immunity several times over. Traditional and well-known herbs like garlic, walnuts, cloves, and grapefruit seed oil are all good for this purpose. You can also try lesser-known herbs used in traditional medicine, such as quisqualis berries (Rangoon creeper), barberry, and pau d’arco.

Herbs from A to Z – ParaProteX – Your helper against intruders

As a powerful antioxidant, cloves can help protect against a variety of parasites, while black walnuts and walnuts have similar effects due to their iodine content. Grapefruit seed oil is another powerful cleanser that protects friendly bacteria in the gut while it works.

Pau D’Arco contains a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, so it can support the body’s immunity in an environment rich in fungi, as well as during periods of increased susceptibility to viruses. The aforementioned effect is also enhanced by quisqualis fruits. Barberry has cleansing properties and can support the body’s immunity in an environment rich in bacteria. Since its fruits contain vitamin C, various trace elements and minerals, it also strengthens the immune system.

And finally, we don’t even need to introduce garlic. Our grandparents successfully used it for colds thanks to its main active ingredient, the natural antibiotic allicin.

Paraprotex has already sold millions of products and thousands of experiences.

If you do not want to burden yourself with using infusions and teas, or you cannot decide which herbs to choose from the many listed above and in what proportions to use them, then we have a solution for you: ParaProtex contains all of the above-mentioned active substances in the right proportion.

Our leading product naturally supports the body’s defense against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It maintains healthy intestinal flora and supports the immune system.

The key to its success is the broad spectrum and unique combination of active ingredients, which is the result of thorough research.

ParaProteX: For a healthy colon mucosa

This is about your colon! Its average internal surface area (total surface area of ​​the mucosa) is only about 350 square meters. It would be reprehensible not to use such a huge surface area in a useful way. That is why the intestines are inhabited by beneficial bacteria, which are our friends, or more precisely, the guardians of our health! They live in the large intestine and maintain healthy colonies on its mucosa. However, this only happens if they occupy the entire area, the entire 350 square meters! There cannot be a single square millimeter of free surface area, because otherwise it would immediately be occupied by the most insidious enemies of our health, which are fungi, which can easily stick to the body.

Friendly intestinal bacteria produce vitamin B12 and vitamin K for us. However, such decent and useful substances also deserve a proper approach from us. For example, they do not tolerate an environment in which there are many carbohydrates and their metabolic products. When antibiotics get into the colon, it is a complete disaster. They die en masse! And their place is immediately taken by fungi, which then build their colony in the large intestine.

What are our options? Today, let’s turn our attention to one top dietary supplement, ParaProteX. There are dozens of products that contain natural antibiotics or antifungals. Garlic extracts and quisqualis (Rangoon creeper) extracts have been available for decades, and grapefruit seed extract is very popular.

The creators of ParaProteX have managed to combine the antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects of exactly ten natural substances, including garlic extract, quisqualis (Rangoon creeper) and grapefruit seed into one highly effective tablet. There is no need to discuss all 10 ingredients, but it is worth emphasizing the importance of clove oil. ParaProteX It is a unique and excellent agent that strengthens the healthy mucous membrane of the large intestine, regenerates and heals the intestinal bacterial flora.

Unlike synthetic antibiotics, it does not destroy beneficial bacteria, so its effect can be significantly enhanced by the simultaneous consumption of pre- and probiotics.

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